
Initial Research Pathway: Leachate submersible pumps

  The team used ChatGPT as a prompt to kick start the research by asking “What are the features and function of leachate management submersible pumps?”. The team used Google to find articles that talk about comparison of submersible pumps. The team continued to utilize Google to find more information on submersible pumps. The team sifted through the articles and pulled out relevant features and functions to focus on. The team found disadvantages on submersible pumps as well.

Submission 3.1: Descriptive Reflection (Formal Introductory Letter)

  Dear Professor Blackstone, I am writing to introduce myself and give you a better understanding of who I am. In this letter, I will outline my strengths and weaknesses in communication and detail my goals for the Critical Thinking and Communicating module. I am Benjamin Ong and am a year-1 student at Singapore Institute of Technology. I have previously studied at Singapore Polytechnic, where I graduated with a diploma in bioengineering. Enrollment in that course introduced me to the world of engineering. I was captivated by the precision required for tasks such as pacemaker design, demonstrating the synergy between mathematics and technology in improving healthcare. Hence, this sparked my interest and is why I am pursuing engineering. My experiences interacting with people of different ages and in various settings have helped me develop confidence in my communication skills. For example, I worked with both senior colleagues and peers. I adapted my communication style to suit each gro

Task 3: The Importance of communication skills for engineers

“Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.”                                                                                                            Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007) Interpretation of the Quote above, " Communication skills are undoubtedly crucial skills in the engineering industry. Building communication skills early in students provides them the tools and knowledge to easily grasp complicated concepts and to present and project their ideas across a team or group of people. These act as stepping stones for an engineer when they progress in their career, working in teams and interacting with clients and leaders. It is especially important for engineers in environments where complex machinery and concepts may be involved."